Art Over Order Planner
Art Over Order Planner, the perfect tool for organizing a creative life. Set your goals for the year and actually get to work on them with this planner to lead the way.
Aesthetically inspired by the functional charm of the borrowing card found in a library book, this thoughtfully designed planner is durably made, featuring a 70 pt. front and back cover and features weekly and monthly spreads as well as a habit tracker section and a list section.
The magic is in the weekly spread. List your top priorities for the week, as well as your lower priority tasks with a section for notes. The week is subtly divided by a vertical line which allows for listing appointments on the left side and tasks on the right side, allowing you to optimally schedule tasks in line with your scheduled meetings, appointments and deadlines.
Size: 5" x 8"
148 pages
Made in Tucson AZ
Art Over Order Planner, the perfect tool for organizing a creative life. Set your goals for the year and actually get to work on them with this planner to lead the way.
Aesthetically inspired by the functional charm of the borrowing card found in a library book, this thoughtfully designed planner is durably made, featuring a 70 pt. front and back cover and features weekly and monthly spreads as well as a habit tracker section and a list section.
The magic is in the weekly spread. List your top priorities for the week, as well as your lower priority tasks with a section for notes. The week is subtly divided by a vertical line which allows for listing appointments on the left side and tasks on the right side, allowing you to optimally schedule tasks in line with your scheduled meetings, appointments and deadlines.
Size: 5" x 8"
148 pages
Made in Tucson AZ
Art Over Order Planner, the perfect tool for organizing a creative life. Set your goals for the year and actually get to work on them with this planner to lead the way.
Aesthetically inspired by the functional charm of the borrowing card found in a library book, this thoughtfully designed planner is durably made, featuring a 70 pt. front and back cover and features weekly and monthly spreads as well as a habit tracker section and a list section.
The magic is in the weekly spread. List your top priorities for the week, as well as your lower priority tasks with a section for notes. The week is subtly divided by a vertical line which allows for listing appointments on the left side and tasks on the right side, allowing you to optimally schedule tasks in line with your scheduled meetings, appointments and deadlines.
Size: 5" x 8"
148 pages
Made in Tucson AZ